July 10, 2022
Your privacy is of great importance to Restaurant Zheng. As such, we adhere to the Privacy Act. This means that your data is safe with us and that we always use it properly. In this privacy statement, we explain all that we do at Restaurant Zheng with information we learn about you through our website http:// http://restaurantzheng.com/.
If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what we keep of you, please contact Restaurant Zheng.
Statistics and profiling
We keep anonymous statistics on the use of our website. For example, with Google Analytics. With these statistics, we improve our online website to show only relevant information or to improve the usability of our website. Think about improving the mobile version of our website or making articles that are often read more findable.
Disclosure to other companies or institutions
We do not provide your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent, unless this is necessary to perform our service or if we are legally obliged to do so (for example, if the police demand it in case of suspected crime).
We work with certain companies. Thus, these partners may obtain your personal data. This is necessary to provide you with what you have requested on our website. Think of a marketing company that helps us improve website, create ads or send emails. These companies are required to keep your information confidential. We make agreements with these companies regarding the processing of personal data. These agreements are recorded in a so-called processor’s agreement.
Retention period
We do not keep your personal data longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was received. If you request us to delete your personal data, we will delete this data from our database no later than the end of the relevant month.
Our online service uses cookies. Cookies are small files in which we can store information so that you do not have to fill it in every time. But it also allows us to see that you are visiting us again. We do not store cookies longer than legally required and strictly necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes.
When you visit our online service for the first time, we display a message explaining cookies. In doing so, we will ask for your agreement to the use of these cookies. The cookies in question are the following:
Technical or functional cookies: we place functional cookies to make our website work properly. No consent is required by law for the placement of these cookies. These are cookies that ensure that preferences are stored, information is remembered when you go to another subpage, login details are stored, the website is displayed properly on your screen, it is remembered whether you have given permission to place cookies, abuse can be detected and data are remembered for a possible order procedure.
Analytical cookies: we use analytical cookies from Google Analytics, so that Google can give us insight into how our website is used. With this information we try to continuously improve our website. We only collect anonymous information through Google Analytics and have Google anonymize the IP addresses. This means that we cannot personally identify you through these cookies. We have entered into a processing agreement with Google. This contains strict agreements on what they are allowed to keep. We do not allow Google to use the Analytics information obtained for other Google services. However, Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. More information on data processing by Google Analytics can be found in Google’s Privacy Policy and in Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy.
For our website, we use the remarketing feature of Google ads. With this, we reach people who have previously viewed the website. This helps us to advertise a better and more relevant message. Advertising is done through Google ads, specifically through display and keyword ads, among others.
Likewise, we use the conversion tracking feature to track whether our ads lead to reservations and newsletter subscriptions.
Opting out of the use of cookies by the Google Marketing Platform can be done by visiting opting out of the Google Marketing Platform or visiting theNetwork Advertising Initiative’s opt out page .
Other cookies: in addition to the functional and analytical cookies, we also use cookies from companies such as Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Hotjar, Zopim. These cookies ensure, among other things, that you do not see the same ads over and over again, that the ads you see from us on social media websites match your interests, and that we know how effective our ads are and can improve them. These cookies are placed only with your consent. During your first visit to our website you will be asked to accept the cookies. Only after your consent are these cookies placed.
Deleting cookies
Cookies have an expiration date. When an expiration date of a cookie has passed, this cookie is automatically deleted. You can manually disable or delete cookies at any time. Please refer to help documentation of your browser for this. In most browsers you will find this option under the settings.
Security of personal data is of great importance to us. To protect your privacy, we take the following measures:
Access to personal data is protected with a username and password
We ensure that only necessary persons have access to personal data
Upon receipt, the data is stored in a separate, protected system
We use secure connections (Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) that shield all information between you and our website when you enter personal data.
Changes to this privacy and cookie statement
If we change our practices with respect to personal data processing or cookie policies, we must of course also change this Privacy and Cookie Statement. So always pay attention to the date above and check regularly for new versions. We will do our best to announce changes separately as well.
Accessing, modifying and deleting your data
If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we hold about you, you can always contact us. Contact us at info@restaurantzheng.com.
You have the following rights:
Get an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it
Access to the exact personal data we hold
Having errors corrected
Removing (outdated) personal data
Withdrawal of consent
Objecting to a particular use
Please make sure you always clearly state who you are, so we can be sure we are not editing or deleting data from the wrong person.
Filing a complaint
If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the regulator. This is called the Personal Data Authority.
Contact details
Zheng Restaurant
Prinsestraat 33
2513 CA The Hague
T 070 362 0828
E info@restaurantzheng.com